You are currently viewing 5 “Unsweet” Fruits with Calories Higher Than Rice, Must Stay Away for Weight Loss!

5 “Unsweet” Fruits with Calories Higher Than Rice, Must Stay Away for Weight Loss!

01 Avocado: High calories under the temptation of green

Avocado, this green fruit is popular for its unique taste and nutritional value. However, its heat cannot be underestimated. A medium-sized avocado has about 200 calories, which is equivalent to the calories of a bowl of rice! Moreover, the fat content of avocado is relatively high, which is undoubtedly a big challenge for dieters who want to reduce fat intake.

02 Coconut: A calorie bomb with a refreshing taste

The coconut water is sweet and delicious, and the coconut meat is also crispy and delicious, giving people a cool and refreshing feeling. But, you know what? Coconut is also very high in calories. The flesh of a medium-sized coconut has about 350 calories, which is almost as much as a full meal! Moreover, coconut is not low in sugar, so it is not a wise choice for dieters who want to control their sugar intake.

03 Durian: The high-calorie trap behind the delicious taste

Durian, this delicacy known as the “King of Fruits” is loved by people for its unique taste and texture. However, durian is also very high in calories. Durian has about 147 calories per 100 grams, and its fat content is also considerable. If you are a durian lover, you must control your intake during the weight loss period to avoid consuming too many calories.

04 Bananas: High-calorie risks in the sweet trap

Banana is one of the common fruits in our daily life. It is rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium and dietary fiber, and has many health benefits. However, the calories of bananas cannot be ignored. A medium-sized banana has about 105 calories. Although it may not seem high, if you consume too much at one time or eat bananas multiple times throughout the day, your caloric intake will quickly rise. . Moreover, bananas also have relatively high sugar content, so dieters who want to control their sugar intake also need to pay attention.

05 Lychee: high-calorie hidden dangers under the temptation of sweetness

Lychee is a sweet, juicy fruit that is deeply loved by people. However, lychees are also very high in calories. Lychee has about 70 calories per 100 grams, and it also has a high sugar content. If you are a lychee lover, you must control your intake during your weight loss period to avoid consuming too many calories and sugar.

So why are these fruits so high in calories? This is mainly due to their higher sugar and fat content. Although these fruits do not taste sweet, their sugar and fat content may be hidden in the pulp or juice, causing us to unknowingly consume too many calories.

So, how should we choose fruits during weight loss? First of all, we need to understand the calories and nutritional value of various fruits, and choose those fruits with low calories and rich nutrition as our weight loss food. Secondly, we must pay attention to controlling our intake, and do not consume too much at one time just because the fruit tastes good. Finally, we must maintain a balanced diet and appropriate exercise so as to achieve better weight loss results.

On the road to weight loss, we need to always be vigilant and avoid food traps that appear to be healthy but are actually high in calories. Although these 5 “unsweet fruits” don’t taste sweet, they may have higher calories than rice! Therefore, during the weight loss period, we must carefully choose the type and intake of fruits to make our weight loss journey smoother and healthier!