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Weight Loss Pitfalls: These 5 “Vegetables” Make You Gain Weight!

Today, let’s talk to you about those “pseudo-vegetarian dishes” that appear to be healthy, but actually have hidden secrets. On the road to pursuing healthy eating, we are always easily tempted by various foods, especially those that are labeled as “vegetarian” or “healthy”. But, you know what? Some “pseudo-vegan dishes” may be more “dangerous” than you think, and they may be quietly ruining your weight loss plan!

01 Fried bean products

Soy products are a good helper for weight loss. They are rich in plant protein and fiber, which can help increase satiety and promote intestinal peristalsis. However, once soy products are fried, they become high-calorie, high-fat “pseudo-vegetarian dishes.”

Imagine those fried tofu and fried bean skins that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Do they make you salivate? However, you have to know that the fat content in these fried bean products is very high, and some harmful substances will be produced during the frying process, which is not good for your health. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, you should try to avoid eating fried bean products, and you can choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming and soup.

02 High-sugar vegetarian dishes

Some vegetarian dishes will add a lot of sugar during the cooking process, such as sweet and sour eggplant, caramelized yam, etc. Although these dishes taste sweet, they are very high in sugar. Excessive sugar intake will not only cause blood sugar fluctuations and increase the risk of diabetes, but will also be converted into fat and stored in the body, making you fatter and fatter. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, we should try to avoid high-sugar vegetarian dishes and choose some low-sugar or sugar-free cooking methods, such as cold salad, steaming, etc.

03 High-salt vegetarian dishes

High-salt vegetarian dishes are also an invisible killer on the road to weight loss. Some vegetarian dishes, such as pickles, pickles, etc., add a lot of salt during the cooking process. Although these dishes are delicious, they are very high in salt. Excessive salt intake can cause edema, high blood pressure and other problems. It can also affect the body’s metabolic function, making it more difficult for you to lose weight. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, we should try to avoid high-salt vegetarian dishes and choose some low-salt or no-salt cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling, etc.

04 High starch vegetarian dishes

Although some vegetarian dishes are fat-free, their starch content is very high, such as potatoes, taro, yams, etc. These dishes tend to absorb oil during the cooking process, and starch will be converted into sugar in the body, thus affecting blood sugar and weight. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, we should try to avoid using such high-starch vegetarian vegetables as staple foods or eating them in large quantities. We can choose some low-starch vegetables instead, such as green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, etc.

05 High-fat vegetarian dishes

High-fat vegetarian dishes are a major trap on the road to weight loss. Some vegetarian dishes add a lot of fat during the cooking process, such as stir-fried green beans, stir-fried cauliflower, etc. Although these dishes are crispy in texture, they are very high in fat. Excessive fat intake will lead to fat accumulation, making you fatter and fatter. Therefore, during the period of weight loss, we should try to avoid high-fat vegetarian dishes and choose some low-fat cooking methods, such as stir-frying, boiling, etc.

So, how to avoid these “pseudo-vegetarian” traps? Here are some practical suggestions for you:

  1. Learn to read nutrition labels

When purchasing ingredients or food, we must learn to read nutrition labels to understand the calories, fat, sugar and other nutrients in the food. This can help us make better choices for healthy ingredients and foods.

  1. Choose healthy cooking options

During the cooking process, we should try to choose healthy cooking methods, such as steaming, soup, cold salad, etc. This can reduce the intake of fat and salt and maintain the original flavor of the ingredients.

  1. Diverse diet

During the period of weight loss, we should pay attention to a diversified diet and avoid being partial or picky about food. Various vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. should be consumed in moderation to ensure a balanced nutritional profile for the body.

  1. Control food intake

While enjoying delicious food, we should also pay attention to controlling our food intake. Don’t overeat or overeat to avoid consuming too many calories and fats.

  1. Keep exercising

In addition to diet control, we must also exercise to consume excess calories and fat. Choosing an exercise method that suits you and sticking to it can help us reach our weight loss goals faster.

In short, on the road to losing weight, we need to always be vigilant and avoid those “pseudo-vegetarian dishes” that appear to be healthy but actually have hidden secrets. Through a reasonable diet and consistent exercise, we will be able to successfully lose weight and have a healthier and more beautiful self! !