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Pay Attention During Fat Loss Period! These 5 Foods Pack on the Pounds!

On the road to weight loss, we all hope to achieve our ideal weight and body shape as soon as possible through reasonable diet and exercise. However, sometimes despite our efforts, our weight seems to plateau or even gain back. This is likely because we unknowingly consume some “invisible” high-calorie foods.

Today, I will reveal to you 5 fat-growing foods that you must pay attention to during the fat loss period to help you better plan your diet and achieve your fat loss goals.

01 High sugar drinks

Many people may think that the calories in drinks are nothing, but in fact, drinks with high sugar content are the enemy of fat loss. A 500 ml bottle of Coke contains about 200 kcal, which is equivalent to half a bowl of rice. Moreover, these sugars are quickly absorbed by the body, causing rapid fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby promoting the accumulation of fat. Therefore, during the period of fat loss, it is recommended that everyone avoid drinking sugary drinks and choose low-sugar drinks such as sugar-free tea, black coffee, or homemade juice.

02 Fried high-fat food

Fried and high-fat foods are taboo during the fat loss period. These foods usually contain a lot of fat and calories, and are difficult for the body to digest and absorb. Long-term intake of these foods not only easily leads to weight gain, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, during fat loss, we should try to avoid fried and high-fat foods, such as fried chicken, French fries, fried dough sticks, cream cakes, etc. You can choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and roasting, and eat more foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish and nuts.

03 Processed meat products

Processed meat products, such as sausages, ham, bacon, etc., are also foods that you need to be wary of during the fat loss period. These foods usually add a lot of salt, sugar, fat and additives during the production process, which are not only high in calories but also low in nutritional value. Long-term intake of processed meat products not only easily leads to weight gain, but may also have negative effects on health. Therefore, during fat loss, we should try to reduce the intake of processed meat products and choose fresh meat and fish as protein sources.

04 High starch food

Although high-starch foods, such as white rice, white flour steamed buns, potatoes, etc., are staple foods in our daily diet, the intake also needs to be controlled during fat loss. These foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which if consumed in excess can cause fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby promoting fat accumulation.

Therefore, during fat loss, we can appropriately reduce the intake of high-starch foods and choose low-GI (glycemic index) foods as staple foods, such as oats, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, etc. At the same time, we can also eat staple foods with vegetables and protein foods to slow down the rise in blood sugar.

05 snacks and desserts

Snacks and desserts are often high-calorie, high-sugar foods, and intake can be difficult to control. During the period of fat loss, we should try to avoid snacks and desserts, especially those containing a lot of fat and sugar, such as potato chips, chocolate, ice cream, etc. If you really want to eat snacks or desserts, you can choose some low-calorie and low-sugar alternatives, such as fruits, yogurt, nuts, etc. At the same time, we must also learn to control our appetite and avoid overeating when we are bored or emotionally unstable.

How to avoid these “meaty” foods? After understanding these “fat-building” foods, we also need to learn how to avoid consuming them during fat loss. Here are some practical suggestions:

  1. Develop a diet plan: During fat loss, it is very important to develop a reasonable diet plan. We can choose low-calorie, high-nutrition foods according to our own tastes and nutritional needs, and reasonably mix staple foods, vegetables and protein foods. At the same time, we also need to control the total caloric intake to ensure that the caloric intake is less than the caloric consumption.
  2. Read food labels: When buying food, we should read food labels carefully to understand the ingredients and calorie content of the food. Try to choose foods that are low in calories, sugar, and fat, and avoid processed meat products and high-starch foods.
  3. Learn self-control: During fat loss, we need to learn to control our appetite and food intake. Don’t overeat or overeat high-calorie foods such as snacks and desserts. If you feel hungry or want to eat, try drinking water or doing some light exercise to distract yourself.
  4. Insist on exercising: In addition to controlling your diet, insisting on exercising is also the key to successful fat loss. Through exercise, we can consume more calories and accelerate the decomposition and discharge of fat. It is recommended that everyone perform moderate aerobic and anaerobic exercise during fat loss, such as jogging, swimming, strength training, etc.

In short, during fat loss, we need to pay attention to avoid consuming high-sugar drinks, fried and high-fat foods, processed meat products, high-starch foods, and “meat-rich” foods such as snacks and desserts. By formulating a reasonable diet plan and persisting in exercise, we can better control our weight and body fat rate and achieve the goal of healthy fat loss!