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From Diet to Skincare Product Selection: A Comprehensive Guide to Oily Skin Care

In the hot summer, along with the rising temperature, there is also oil on the faces of “greasy babies”. In addition to affecting appearance or makeup, excess oil may also cause other skin problems, such as clogged pores, acne, enlarged pores, etc.

Today we will talk about some daily methods to deal with oil problems.

What foods increase oil secretion?

Foods high in sugar (carbohydrates)

To be more precise, foods with a high glycemic index (GI) will increase blood sugar in a short period of time, causing hyperinsulinemia and increasing the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

IGF-1 can stimulate androgen synthesis and peripheral androgen metabolism, stimulate sebum synthesis, thereby increasing sebum secretion.

In studies of acne patients, it was found that serum IGF-1 concentration was positively correlated with facial sebum secretion. A low glycemic load diet (eating low glycemic index foods) reduces sebum production.

GI reference for some common foods

CategoryFoodGlycemic Index (GI)
CarbohydratesCooked White Rice73±4
White Bread75±2
Rice Noodles53±7
VegetablesCooked Potatoes78±4
Cooked Pumpkin64±7
Cooked Taro53±2
Cooked Carrots39±4
Dairy ProductsIce Cream51±3
Whole Milk39±3
Skimmed Milk37±4
GI ≤ 55 is considered Low GI
GI ≥ 70 is considered High GI
GI values of foods vary depending on variety, origin, ripeness, etc.

Milk and milk products, especially skim milk

Whey protein and casein in milk can promote insulin secretion and induce the production of IGF-1. Whey protein concentrate is a very popular nutritional supplement for athletes and bodybuilders. It has been reported that consumption of this type of nutritional supplement may induce or aggravate acne.

What foods help reduce oil secretion?

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce IGF-1 and reduce sebum secretion. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: marine fish, shrimp, oysters, etc.

Can taking vitamin B reduce oil secretion?

Niacinamide is the amide form of niacin, a B vitamin. Limited clinical research shows that products added with niacinamide can help improve facial discoloration.

However, there is currently no evidence that oral nicotinamide or other B vitamins can reduce sebum secretion, and there are case reports that long-term or high-dose use of vitamin B12 or vitamin B complex supplements can lead to acne outbreaks.

Will drinking coffee or tea increase oil production?

There is currently no clinical evidence that coffee, tea or caffeinated drinks worsen oil production. However, if it is a coffee or tea drink with added sugar, it is a high GI food, and if milk is added, it may also cause oiliness.

In addition, if such drinks affect sleep and disrupt work and rest, it may also affect endocrine and increase sebaceous gland secretion.

How many times a day is appropriate to wash your face?

It is recommended to cleanse with warm water once in the morning and once in the evening. You can use a mild cleanser.

In some cases, if the skin on the face feels dirty, you can add it once, such as after sweating a lot. If you wear makeup, remember to clean it off before going to bed.

How to choose cleansing products?

Mild, slightly acidic products such as amino acid cleansers.

Avoid alkaline cleaning products, such as those containing soap-based ingredients. Frequent use of alkaline cleansing products will damage the skin barrier and increase transepidermal water loss, resulting in dry and easily irritated skin.

Need regular exfoliation/deep cleansing?

Generally not recommended.

The skin itself has the ability to renew itself, with a cycle of approximately 28 days. As the epidermis peels off, microorganisms or residues attached to the skin surface can be taken away.

What effect does ultraviolet rays have on sebum secretion? Do you need to use sunscreen?

There is currently no clear conclusion on the effect of ultraviolet rays on sebum secretion.

A small sample size study shows that UVA and UVB temporarily increase sebum secretion in patients with acne, and gradually return to the basic level after about 4 days.

However, ultraviolet rays can induce the decomposition of skin surface lipids and produce the monohydroperoxide form of squalene, causing oxidative stress damage and damaging the skin barrier.

Therefore, from the perspective of preventing UV damage to the skin, it is still recommended to use sunscreen.

If you have acne problems, it is more recommended to use it. Proper sun protection can reduce the risk of leaving acne marks (post-inflammatory pigmentation).

How to choose moisturizer and sunscreen?

When choosing moisturizers and sunscreens, you need to pay attention to the product type or base. For oily skin, you can consider products in the form of lotion, lotion or gel with moisturizing effect, which will make your skin feel fresher.

Try to avoid products rich in grease, such as mineral oil, vegetable oil, etc.

Product packaging labels can be used to assist identification. Choose water-base, oil-free, non-comedogenic, nonacnegenic products, and avoid oil-base or alcohol-base products. You can also refer to this standard when choosing cosmetics.

What are the ingredients in skin care products that can reduce oil secretion?

In addition to considering the base, you can also choose products with oil control effects. Current research on effective ingredients for reducing sebum secretion is as follows:

It has been reported that after 50 volunteers used a product containing 2% nicotinamide for 2-4 weeks, the sebaceous gland secretion rate was significantly reduced compared to the other 50 volunteers who did not use it.

green tea
A study involving 10 healthy men showed that using 3% green tea lotion for 8 weeks significantly reduced facial oil secretion. However, the sample of study subjects was small and they were healthy men. The study also speculated that the role of α-linoleic acid in green tea may be played. Whether it is effective in people with skin problems such as acne requires more research.

Zinc-containing compounds (such as zinc acetate, zinc oxide, etc.)
Helps reduce sebum production, and has inflammation control and antibacterial effects.

In general, the effective ingredients for reducing sebum secretion are still under research. If necessary, you can evaluate your own situation to see whether you want to try skin care products containing the above active ingredients.

How to quickly improve the appearance of greasiness?

Oil-blotting paper can temporarily improve the appearance of greasiness. It is recommended to gently press the sebum-producing area to absorb the sebum and avoid wiping . Loose powder, whose main components are talcum powder, zinc oxide, etc., can absorb grease .

If after taking the above measures, the oil problem still causes a lot of trouble, you can consider medical intervention, which we will introduce to you later.