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Large Pores Troubling You? Try these Solutions!

First of all, you need to understand that enlarged pores are related to many factors, some of which are physiological and some of which are pathological. Different...

How Long Should You Supplement with Vitamin D?

For vitamin D, it is recommended that children under 1 year old consume 400IU per day, and 600IU per day for children over 1 year old. Everyone basically knows this, but...

Until What Age Should Diapers Be Used?

Diapers should be regarded as a useful tool for raising children. They save us a lot of troubles of washing and drying. However, diapers are not cheap and must be changed...

Organic Milk: Good or Hype? What You Need to Know

It’s common to see advertisements for organic milk and dairy products, and there are also big V recommendations. Are organic milk and dairy products as good as they say?...

Achieve These 4 Points, and Others’ Criticism Won’t Hurt You

After experiencing social beatings for many years, I particularly envy a kind of people: they are always calm in the face of criticism. Even if the leader has a long face...

What Methods Effectively Lower Body Fat?

From the perspective of exercise, let’s talk about “effectively reducing body fat”—— The problem of solid fat not only occurs in ordinary people, but is also a very...

Lutein for Myopia: Can It Protect Your Eyes?

There are rumors that lutein is good for children with myopia. Many parents of children came to ask about this matter, which aroused my curiosity. Large clinical studies...

Summer Sun Protection: Which Is Better, Sun Protective Clothing or Sunscreen?

I’ve talked a lot about sunscreen before, and today I’m going to talk about sun-protective clothing. 01Is sun protection clothing an IQ tax?Can ordinary clothing be used...

Factors That Affect Running Speed

For a long time, running speed has been considered a very important quality that affects the performance of special sports in many sports, such as track and field...