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The Right Way to Lose Weight Through Running: Control Your Running Intensity

  1. The essence of exercise to lose weight is to maximize fat energy supply.

The so-called maximizing fat energy supply during exercise means to make more fat participate in energy supply during exercise, thereby burning more fat. Among different exercise intensities, the energy supply ratio of fat is the highest in low-intensity exercise, about 80%. Therefore, no matter what kind of exercise you take, only maintaining low-intensity exercise can make the energy supply efficiency of fat during exercise the highest. In addition, the famous exercise physiology researcher Edward L. FOX proposed in the book “Exercise Physiology” that after 30 minutes of exercise, the proportion of fat energy supply increases and the proportion of sugar energy supply decreases, which means that fat begins to be consumed in large quantities.

  1. Running like this makes fat burning faster.

I have told you above that long-term low-intensity exercise (>30 minutes) can help burn a lot of fat. For redundant runners, the optimal fat-burning intensity during running is 65%-79% of the maximum heart rate (the gray space in the picture below). As exercise intensity gradually increases, the fat energy supply rate also increases; when the exercise intensity reaches 73% of the maximum heart rate, the fat energy supply ratio is the largest; when the pre-exercise intensity reaches 79% of the maximum heart rate, the fat energy supply ratio begins to decrease. Therefore, keeping your maximum heart rate between 65% and 79% when running can maximize fat and achieve an effective fat-burning effect.

  1. Are you using common fat-burning methods for running?

Long distance jogging

Long-distance jogging, referred to as LSD, is a common running training method. Its running training points are “long” and “slow”. Long means long time and distance, slow means slow speed, and slow speed means low intensity. Therefore, LSD training also meets the standard of providing a large amount of energy from fat, which is long-term and low-intensity.

Long-distance jogging, referred to as LSD, is a common running training method. Its running training points are “long” and “slow”. Long means long time and distance, slow means slow speed, and slow speed means low intensity. Therefore, LSD training also meets the standard of providing a large amount of energy from fat, which is long-term and low-intensity.

Long-distance jogging is effective for fat loss. The intensity should be controlled at 65%-79% of the maximum heart rate. If runners with poor physical fitness can maintain it at 65%-70% of the maximum heart rate, runners with better physical fitness can maintain it at 65%-70%. The maximum heart rate is above 70%-79%. As soon as you start running, fat will start to supply energy, but for runners whose purpose is only to burn fat, the weight loss effect of LSD exercise for 30-60 minutes will be more obvious and effective. You can also do it for a longer time if you want to consume more fat.


MAF is the abbreviation of Max Aerobic Function Heart Rate, which translates to maximum aerobic heart rate training. Its name also defines exercise intensity as the maximum heart rate during aerobic energy supply. MAF is also called weight loss running method because its running intensity is defined as: 180 minus age as the target heart rate during running, allowing a small range of fluctuation. For example, for a 30-year-old male, calculated based on MAF180, 180-30=150, then 150 beats/min is the target heart rate of the runner during MAF running training. Another interesting aspect: If the maximum heart rate of the male runner is 190 based on the maximum heart rate = 220 – age, the target heart rate/maximum heart rate during MAF exercise = 150/190 = 79%, which is exactly in line with the upper line of the optimal fat-burning heart rate zone. . Similarly, in order to achieve efficient fat burning effect, MAF running also needs to last for more than 30 minutes. The best continuous exercise time is 30-60 minutes.

  1. Running time is more important than running intensity

This question is also relevant to weight loss runners. Should I run longer? Or would it be better to run with a higher intensity? For runners with poor physical fitness, the intensity can be reduced, which can effectively reduce fat and lower the heart rate, thereby extending the running time. Because lowering the intensity will cause less stimulation to the body, thereby increasing the exercise experience and helping to maintain the continuity of exercise. In addition, extending the running time must be performed at a lower intensity. Increased exercise time will increase functional energy consumption, thereby increasing the exercise time. Helps reduce fat. For runners with good physical fitness, they can keep running for 30-60 minutes at the upper end of the effective fat loss range or even higher.

  1. How to burn fat after running?

Efficient fat loss not only burns fat during running, but also consumes more fat after running. The fat burning efficiency after running depends on excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) – a professional term in exercise physiology. In addition to the increase in oxygen uptake caused by exercise itself, after the exercise stops, the body’s breathing, that is, the oxygen uptake, does not return to the resting level in a short period of time. Since the body’s energy consumption is determined by the oxygen uptake, that is, It means that the body’s energy consumption remains at a high level after exercise. This phenomenon in which the oxygen uptake in the recovery period after exercise is higher than the oxygen uptake in the resting state is called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

Simply put, the body’s energy consumption is still high after exercise stops, and it is higher than the energy consumption in a resting state. Some studies have shown that the EPOC of high-intensity exercise will last for 24-48 hours, indicating that energy consumption will be higher than resting levels for a long time after high-intensity exercise. In other words, even if you lie down after exercise, you will consume more energy than in the quiet state before exercise, which explains why a certain amount of fat can be consumed after exercise.

  1. High-intensity interval running can burn fat after running

Exercise intensity and exercise time are the main factors affecting the amount of excess oxygen consumption after exercise. However, exercise intensity is more important. Therefore, if you want to achieve sustained excess oxygen consumption after running, you must perform high-intensity running. Excessive oxygen consumption after high-intensity exercise can last for 24-48 hours. However, interval running is a typical medium-to-high-intensity exercise of running. Intermittent running means running for a corresponding period of time and then taking the initiative to rest for a certain period of time, and this is repeated. The world-famous running coach Dr. Daniels defines the intensity of interval training in running as 88%-100% of the maximum heart rate. Each group is performed for 1-3 minutes, and then rests. The ratio of I (interval) running time to resting time is 1:1. , that is, the intermittent rest time is also 1-3 minutes, and so on. Just do 3-5 groups. For runners who want to lose weight through interval running, the total time of training and rest during interval running should last at least 30 minutes.

  1. How to choose a weight-loss running method that suits you?

Everyone is a special individual, so even the best running weight loss method may not be suitable for everyone. Long-distance jogging (LSD) is characterized by “low intensity” and “long running time”. Officially, because the exercise intensity is low, the physical stimulation is not strong, the body is more comfortable, the exercise experience is better, and you can persist in training for a long time. Therefore, it is suitable for people with poor physical fitness and the initial stage of running to lose weight; high-intensity interval running is more suitable for people with a certain exercise foundation and good physical fitness, but it has high exercise intensity and strong physical stimulation, so the exercise experience is No, generally not suitable for beginner runners.

  1. Summary

The scientific method of losing weight and burning fat can help you achieve twice the result with half the effort, but it cannot prevent you from standing still. Losing weight must ultimately be implemented in action. Whether you run for 30 minutes or 10 minutes, start running first, and then choose a method that suits you. If you persist for a long time, you will get the body you want, and the various “lines” you want will come faster.