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Weight Loss Must Avoid! 6 Fruits That Are Not Sweet but Have Extremely High Sugar Content

Have you ever encountered this kind of confusion on your way to losing weight: Why haven’t you lost weight even though you’ve tried to avoid sweets? Today, let us uncover this mystery together and talk about those seemingly harmless fruits that are actually packed with sugar!

On our weight loss journey, we are always warned to eat less sweets and control our sugar intake. But you know what? Although some fruits do not taste sweet, and can even be said to be bland, their sugar content is surprisingly high. These “hidden sugars” are often ignored by us, but they quietly affect our weight loss plans.

01 Dragon Fruit

  1. Dragon fruit: a high-sugar trap beneath its sweet appearance

Dragon fruit is loved by everyone for its bright appearance and refreshing taste. However, what you may not know is that dragon fruit is actually quite high in sugar. Every 100 grams of dragon fruit contains about 11 grams of sugar. This means that if you accidentally eat too much dragon fruit, you may be consuming more sugar than you intended.

02 Custard Apple

  1. Custard apple: the high sugar crisis behind the sweetness

Custard apple, this exotic-sounding fruit is actually a high-sugar fruit. It has a soft texture and sweet taste, but the sugar content is as high as 15.3 grams per 100 grams of sugar apple. Therefore, when enjoying the delicious taste of sugar apple, we also need to always remind ourselves to control the intake.

03 Passion fruit

  1. Passion fruit: sour and sweet but also contains sugar

Passion fruit has won the favor of many people with its unique aroma and sweet and sour taste. However, what you may not have noticed is that passion fruit is also low in sugar. Per 100 grams of passion fruit, the sugar content is approximately 13 grams. Therefore, when tasting the sweet and sour taste of passion fruit, we must also be wary of the sugar in it.

04 Hawthorn

  1. Hawthorn: sweet and sour, appetizing but also contains sugar

Hawthorn is a fruit that has appetizing and digestive effects. Many people like to use it to make tea or soup. However, the sugar content of hawthorn should not be underestimated. The sugar content in every 100 grams of hawthorn is about 22 grams. Therefore, when enjoying the health benefits of hawthorn, we must also pay attention to controlling our intake.

05 coconut

  1. Coconut: Sweet coconut milk contains high sugar content

Coconut is a tropical fruit that is loved by people for its sweet coconut milk and soft and waxy coconut meat. However, what you may not know is that coconut is also quite high in sugar. The sugar content in every 100 grams of coconut meat is as high as 31.3 grams; and the sugar content in every 100 ml of coconut water is about 9 grams. Therefore, when enjoying the delicious taste of coconut, we also need to be careful about the sugar intake.

06 fresh dates

  1. Fresh dates: small and exquisite but high in sugar

Fresh jujube is a small, exquisite fruit with a crisp and sweet taste. Many people like to eat it as a snack. However, what you may not have noticed is that fresh dates are also quite high in sugar. The sugar content in every 100 grams of fresh dates is as high as 20%-30%. This means that if you accidentally eat too many fresh dates, the amount of sugar you consume may surprise you.

So, in the face of these high-sugar fruits, how should we choose and eat them correctly during the weight loss process? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Know the sugar content of fruits

When buying and eating fruits, we can first understand their sugar content. This can help us better control our intake and avoid eating too much sugar.

  1. Eat in moderation

Whether it is high-sugar fruits or low-sugar fruits, we should eat them in moderation. Excessive intake of any food can lead to caloric excess and weight gain. Therefore, when enjoying the delicious taste of fruits, we must also pay attention to controlling the intake.

  1. Eat with other foods

We can eat fruits as part of a healthy diet along with other foods. For example, the fruit can be eaten as a dessert before or after a meal, or it can be made into a salad or juice with other ingredients. This allows us to enjoy the delicious taste of fruits while maintaining healthy eating habits.

  1. Pay attention to the eating time

In the process of losing weight, we also need to pay attention to the time when we eat fruits. Try to avoid eating large amounts of high-sugar fruits after dinner or before bed as this may lead to excess calories and weight gain. Instead, we can choose to eat an appropriate amount of fruit at breakfast or lunch to replenish energy and nutrients.

In short, we need to stay vigilant and control sugar intake during the weight loss process. By understanding the sugar content of fruits, eating them in moderation, combining them with other foods, and paying attention to when they are eaten, we can better control our diet to maintain a healthy weight and shape. Click to watch and let’s work together to go further and further on the journey of weight loss!