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What Are the Drawbacks and Limitations of HIIT?

HIIT must be familiar to everyone, it is basically everywhere in the street! In the past, fitness was synonymous with “muscle building” and “running.” Now when it comes to fitness, many people may think of “HIIT” and “CF”. So what exactly is HIIT? What does it do? Can it really achieve the dual effects of building muscle and losing fat?

First of all, what exactly is HIIT?

A system? A thought? A theory? NO, it is at best a training arrangement method!

The letters HIIT mean when broken down: high! strength! Intermission! train!

Let’s first explain what high intensity is and what counts as high intensity!

Because aerobic and anaerobic are almost functional manifestations of two systems, their respective high intensities can be discussed separately. High intensity in the aerobic field can be simply considered to be the pressure on the cardiopulmonary system. For example, if you run 1,000 meters, you are panting heavily after the run, and your heartbeat is 200 beats faster. This can be considered high intensity. Evaluation Index Usually heart rate.

The high intensity in the anaerobic field is completely different. It reflects the stimulation of the neuromuscular system by training. This stimulation often lasts for a very short time, is extremely intense, and does not show obvious physical fatigue or increase in heart rate. For example, 1RM squat, 1RM clean, 100-meter sprint, all of these are basically things at the neurological level, and in my understanding, this is the real high intensity, the high intensity that really makes you taller, faster, and stronger!

Of course, there are certain transitional links between the above two fields.

So what is interval training?

Generally speaking, there are two most common sports training arrangements, namely repetition training and interval training. The repetitive training method means to take sufficient rest between two sets of exercises, and practice again when you rest. In order to ensure the quality of each set, we do not rush and take our time. This method is generally suitable for high-level athletes in events that require extremely high strength and explosive power, or advanced iron lifting enthusiasts. The most perverted group I have ever seen took a 15-minute break between two groups, which was enough time to drink a pot of tea.

Interval training means that the interval time between two groups is strictly controlled and your body is in a state of incomplete recovery, such as sprinting for 30 seconds and jogging for one minute. This kind of training arrangement has a wide range of purposes. For example, strength training can stimulate the secretion of certain hormones, which is beneficial to the growth of muscle size; for example, running training can help develop certain energy supply capabilities; for example, for techniques such as boxing Leading projects can comprehensively develop various abilities, save time at the same time, and simulate competition scenarios and so on.

It is worth noting:

  1. Very tiring ≠ high intensity. High-intensity training of strength and explosive power often does not show obvious physical fatigue!
  2. The shorter the intervals of interval training, the better! There are clear interval arrangements. For example, for exercises that mainly supply energy from phosphagen within 10 seconds, the exercise interval ratio is generally above 1:5; for exercises that mainly supply energy from glycolysis within 30s to 60s, the exercise interval ratio is generally between 30 and 60 seconds. About 1:3; training that focuses on aerobic energy supply for more than 3 minutes can basically be 1:1.
  3. The 10s mentioned above does not mean that you can move for 10 seconds casually, but that you can only move for 10 seconds if you risk your life. For example, if you accidentally exercise for 20 seconds, sorry, your activity intensity no longer meets the requirements, it is already very low!

So what is HIIT?

(Here I will only discuss HIIT in mass fitness with you. There is another way to play in the field of professional physical training)

HIIT refers to high-intensity interval training. To put it bluntly, it means beating at a seemingly high intensity for a while, then resting for a while, and then beating again for a while.

Then what is the effect of “HIIT”?

Hard to say.

It is said that HIIT training can increase strength or muscle. The author is a little confused about this! (“Legend” refers to the kind that jumps around, jumps around, and twists around)

You can do a strength training exercise for 30 seconds and you still have the nerve to say it’s high intensity? Did you find out after you took a breather? You have turned anaerobic training into aerobic training!

Muscle or strength doesn’t just mean you can grow it by just doing some strength training! This has a relatively strict load arrangement!

For example: They say squats are good, they build strength, and they build buttocks! But only squats with a certain intensity can have this effect! If you do freehand squats, if you do 50 squats, you can at best build muscle endurance. If you do 200, you will basically be aerobic. If you do it for 30 minutes, you can lose weight.

What I mean is that general HIIT is basically cardiorespiratory strength in the end. In terms of strength development and muscle growth, it may be effective for novices or girls, but it has strong limitations for masters or fitness experts who specialize in strength. sex! Very strong! It won’t grow much!

Legend has it that HIIT can reduce fat more efficiently! I remember there is research showing that 7 minutes of HIIT consumes more energy than 30 minutes of pure aerobic exercise, and academic authorities like the NSCA have also given this answer!

However, there are two doubts: 1. Energy consumption does not mean fat burning; 2. There can be a lot of aerobic intensity in 30 minutes!

Regarding the first doubt, HIIT will consume more sugar and protein. Sugar is the most economical energy substance and is mobilized first during higher-intensity exercise. In addition, as long as the muscles are involved in work, there will be protein defects. The more intense and frequent the muscle activity, the more protein will be lost. As for fat, when exercising at an intensity below 60% of the maximum oxygen uptake, the rate of refreshing of free fatty acids in the blood is the fastest. To put it bluntly, fat is the main source of energy at this time, but why don’t we lose weight? What about advocating exercise at this intensity? Because the intensity is too low and the total energy consumed is too little, most literature recommends longer exercises at a slightly stronger intensity that mainly supplies sugar for energy.

Regarding the second doubt, if you run at a slow trot for 30 minutes, it may not consume as much energy as bullying the little squirrel. If you complete the longest distance in 30 minutes and go directly to the hospital after running, I’m afraid you 14 Minute HIIT is not comparable.

As for the so-called fat loss and muscle gain of HIIT itself, this problem has troubled the competitive bodybuilding industry for more than half a century. Up to now, it can only be solved by drugs. Otherwise, all the meat will be lost. Do you think the advent of HIIT will Can this problem be solved? In other words, HIIT causes protein deficiency, so you need to supplement protein to gain muscle, right? You have to eat it, right? Then if you want to lose fat, do you have to control your diet and energy intake? Low carb and high protein? Do you really think that all the protein you eat will turn into protein in your muscles? As long as you eat, a certain proportion of energy will be converted into fat and stored. This is a function that humans have evolved these days. And the larger your energy gap, the higher the proportion of fat stored! So you can either lose fat or gain weight, don’t want both! In addition, even if the problem of simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss is feasible in theory, it is difficult to achieve in practice unless you are a novice!

I feel like HIIT is useless when I complain like this. In fact, it is not. HIIT is still a very good training method, but it depends on how you arrange it! For example, tabata is very good!

First of all, tabata should actually be called high-intensity interval circuit training, with the emphasis on the word “circulation”! Think about it, if the eight movements are all one movement, it will definitely kill you. Therefore, the reason why tabata can have good effects is because it arranges 8 different movements. From a training perspective, these eight movements Each exercise can be completed with high intensity, and is partially overlapped and partially separated from the next exercise, making it difficult to inhibit, thus ensuring a better efficiency. In addition, the tabata intervals and practice time are set well, but it would be boring to arrange freehand training. The intensity is too low and it becomes aerobic. Strength exercises that can only be done a few times in 30 seconds are most suitable. Generally speaking, this kind of strength program can be done about 10 times in 30 seconds, which is just enough to meet the intensity of resting for 30 seconds and then doing another set. Therefore, intermittent arrangements like tabata and strength-based projects are quite effective in developing strength.

Secondly, the value of HIIT for fat loss lies in the continuous energy consumption after exercise. This thing is really good, but if you want to lose weight, you must control your diet.

Third, HIIT is more suitable for the current pace of life! I don’t get off work until 7 o’clock. It’s great to practice for 30 minutes and then go home and watch TV. Why do I have to run for an hour? Moreover, no matter how bad HIIT is for developing strength, it still has a certain strength element, which is much better than not practicing at all. If you don’t want to be too strong, don’t want to be too thin, and just want a healthy and even sexy body, and you don’t have time, HIIT is just right!


HIIT is an ideal type for strength development. It is effective for novices, but can basically be ignored by experts!

For the effect of HIIT on fat loss, I think long-term moderate-intensity aerobics is the most effective.

Lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? Unless you are a novice, stop dreaming.

HIIT is short in time, high enough, and has comprehensive effects. It is suitable for people who have no time and people who hate long-distance running.

It all depends on people. Whether HIIT is good or bad depends on the quality of your plan!